The AREANA project successfully completed the 1st Stakeholder Workshop on Synergies at the end of the first year of the project in Brussels.


Potential synergies by compiling EU funded collaborative research aviation projects and other main National and Regional R&I aviation programmes are exploring!


Approximately 25 Stakeholders including industry, regional, national and European funding bodies were participating!!


Proud to share some outputs:


AREANA will intensify cooperation with the SRG Group from CAJU, as well as SESAR.


Flexible Multi Calls option shall be pushed with highest priority with AERODAYS as target-date for signature of multi-state MoU on inter-call-cooperation


“Twinning” as a cooperation between European funding projects shall also be developed further


International cooperation have the potential for significant effect – attractive option by CINEA


Eureka Aviation cluster may be followed


Possible focus of such a joint call: alignment of national programs with EU Funding inside framework programme


In the AREANA team, we are convinced that the current challenges:


  • growing competition in the aviation sector from China
  • the fundamental threat to peace in Europe from Russia’s war of aggression, which has now lasted for almost 3 years
  • the still completely inadequate progress in combating global warming
  • and the expected upheavals within our western community of values


require real cooperation in Europe more than ever!


While we cannot solve all of these problems either through our project or through European aviation as a whole, we as AREANA WP1 team can and must make our contribution.