Report focusing on the current state and planned R&I for hydrogen and electric aviation technology in Europe and associated countries prepared!
This report summarizes the status and prospects of hydrogen and electric aviation technology in Europe and associated countries. Guided by the European Green Deal’s ambition for net-zero emissions, major R&I efforts center on hydrogen combustion and fuel cells, as well as battery-electric and hybrid-electric propulsion. Recent demonstrations (e.g., ZEROe concepts, H2Fly, ZeroAvia, Pipistrel Velis Electro) highlight technical feasibility but also reveal challenges in infrastructure, safety standards, and certification. Innovative funding mechanisms and public-private partnerships are accelerating progress, aiming for short-haul zero-emission flights in the near term. With robust policies and concerted stakeholder collaboration, Europe is poised to lead the global transition toward climate-neutral aviation.
The Option List created – pathways towards transnational cooperation/integration of aviation research on European, national and regional levels.
In Deliverable 1.1 “Options List”, the proposed options for improved cooperation in European research cooperation are presented as a key work result of the analysis phase of the AREANA project. As part of Task 1.1, existing funding programs at European, national and regional levels were explored and evaluated. In addition, there was an intensive exchange with the “sister project” ECARE in order to use the experiences and results gained there and incorporate that research in the best possible way within the AREANA project.
ECARE Synergies Report is done – important identification of the potential synergies with the AREANA project has been found
This report details the synergies between the AREANA and ECARE projects both aiming at enhancing the coordination of Research and Innovation (R&I) funding in the European aviation sector. The AREANA project focuses on defining an actionable roadmap towards effective European aviation research cooperation, building on past and present initiatives, with the objective to facilitate transnational joint calls or other cooperation models. AREANA complements the ECARE project’s efforts to support synergies in clean aviation research funding by developing and testing funding synergies in three pilot countries (France, Germany, and Italy) and developing a digital platform.
AREANA’s activities involve analyzing current research funding methods, reviewing past and present strategic efforts, and defining IT requirements for effective cooperation. By leveraging the results and methodologies from ECARE, AREANA aims to scale up these efforts to a broader European context.
A Homepage Dedicated to WP1 already exists
The design and development processes, as well as the overall structure and layout, of the AREANA WP1 public webpage have been created. The latter is expected to act as a major dissemination tool and will be the core element of the AREANA WP1 external communication strategy. Its mainobjective is to create and maintain public awareness and interest on WP1, as well as maximize thereach of the Work Package’s major outcomes, through the provision of updated information aboutthe WP1 main progress, activities, news and achievements in an effective and attractive matter. The website’s implementation, updating and maintenance have been assigned to and carried out by EASN-TIS.
ENR Survey was published
This report materializes the deliverable D1.10, titled “ENR Survey Evaluation” under the AREANA (Aviation Research Ecosystem Advanced Novel Approach) project. It presents the findings of a comprehensive survey aimed at understanding the expectations and legal requirements of stakeholders in European aviation research. The survey targeted national and regional funding bodies to gather insights on multinational cooperation, project administration preferences, proposal preferences, intellectual property management, and the use of common project languages. The findings will inform the development of new exemplary call designs and enhance the coordination of European aviation research funding strategies. The survey results underscore the importance of balancing national preferences with the benefits of multinational and integrated approaches to foster effective cooperation in the Aviation research ecosystem.
Potential synergies by compiling EU funded collaborative research aviation projects (mainly managed by CINEA) and other main National and Regional R&I aviation programmes were explored.
“Potential Synergies between EU, National & Regional (ENR) R&I Aviation Programs” aims to identify synergies within the framework of aviation research in Europe, based upon an analysis of performed European projects and national and regional funding programs. The synergy potentials thus developed form the basis for the further steps of the AREANA project towards the successful implementation of the solutions developed.
The planning of AERODAYS 2025 in Warsaw just started – location, date, establishing of Advisory Board and Technical Committee, promotion plan were created
The report details the initial steps for the preparation of Aerodays 2025, focusing on Task 2.1: Appointment of the Advisory and Scientific Committees. The process will commence with the formation of the Steering Committee, led by ILOT, which will oversee the coordination of all related activities from months M1 to M3. In conjunction with the Steering Committee, the Scientific and Technical Board will also be appointed. The members of these committees, who bring extensive experience from various fields such as science, academia, and other relevant sectors, will play a crucial role in the preparation and implementation of the event’s programme. Their responsibilities will include designing session themes, developing the substance of the event, and preparing a list of highlevel speakers. This strategic approach ensures a comprehensive and well-organized framework for Aerodays 2025, aligning with the broader goals of fostering innovation and collaboration in European aviation research.
Methodology for dissemination and exploitation the results and communication of project activities is included in D/C Plan
Project Dissemination and Exploitation strategy and plan were created. The plan describes a way for sharing research results with the scientific community, commercial players, civil society and policymakers. Exploitation plan focuses on the actual use of the results, translating research concepts into concrete solutions that have a positive impact on the public’s quality of life.
Data control under the Data Management Plan
The data Management Plan describes AREANA’s strategy for data management and serves as a guide to carefully manage the data during the project life. It explains the data management life cycle for all the data that will be collected, processed, or generated by the consortium.